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Oblect no.1

Body no.2

Searching for a place of a human being in the urban environment. Is it of primary or secondary importance to his/her image, judging from the observer’s point of view? Even in the most comfortable cities, a human can easily get melted down in the stream of their endless noises. I am exploring the place of a human being through his/her absence. Can a costume exist without a human being in space? 

What kind of relationship is it_

The task set earlier acquires a new meaning:


How will a person dress if we clear 

his/her reality of the endless stream of information noise?

What will remain if a person finds himself alone with

the surrounding space, if he/she is delivered of the constant information pressure?

How could one look without a continual need to meet social commitments and to adapt to their changes and limitations?

Body no.1                                                                                                          Body no.2

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