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Audio essay (Guide non-place)


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The observer, immersed in someone else’s inner monologue, through the effect of presence gets the opportunity to better understand their relationship to reality, and to recognize the blurred boundaries of other people's personal spaces.

Everyday spaces are not continuous. And, moving between them, the subject inevitably finds himself/herself in a state that is usually not perceived as a full-fledged space. Regardless of whether this experience is daily or, contrary to it, non-recurrent, incurring no external burden and manipulation, the subject unconsciously finds himself/herself in the privacy of his/her mind. Non-interaction with external processes is engendered primarily by the bonding nature of these 'non-places'. In a sense, we can refer to them as to 'places of absence', because despite the physical presence of a subject, no cogitation of the environment takes place. The lack of reflection as such is determinative for such 'non-places'. No submission to imposed and induced rules takes place here. “Places of absence” are both human-induced and not induced, as, not being inbred, they simultaneously are not overburdened with manipulative meanings. Here the term 'absence' can be perceived both in terms of absence of a manipulative structure and, at the same time, as absence of the subject's conscious cogitation of these processes. In virtue of their nature, such places allow one to observe a man in pure terms, in the absence of not only external manipulation, but also internal reaction to the environment.

00:00 / 07:48
Translocation over water.mp3
00:00 / 20:17
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